Always painting color (can’t live without it!), I’ve turned to mixed media in order to express the truths with which, God has pierced my heart. Some argue the benefit of words over pictures while others prefer pictures over words. I have too much to say to settle for one. Similarly, mixed media frees me from the confines of just one medium. I use the combination that best suits my expression—luscious brushstrokes, calligraphy, text, drawing, printmaking and beautiful papers.

God is the Strength of My Heart

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart.” Psalm 73:26 Like most of us, I felt as though my heart would fail after “September 11”. I knew though, that I must look to the Lord for strength and He carried me through. The clock represents upside down times, the torn edges chaos, the vertical lines and oak tree strength, seven acorns point to hope for the future.